Back with a new name which reflects the date of the event (falling on the Spring Equinox), Harvestival promises to be our biggest and best event yet.
Held from the 20th - 23rd September 2024, Harvestival is an all ages, family-focused event with a massive, fully immersive program featuring:
Live music - solo artists, bands, DJs.
Workshops - permaculture, regenerative agriculture, yoga, meditation, breathwork, discussion panels, kids, teens, youth, living off grid, craft, homesteading.
Live art installations, roving performers, market stalls, sauna, ice bath, organic food, community vibes and so much more other cool stuff still to be announced!
We are really excited to announce that this year's dedicated kid's and youth program to get our young people involved. We will be offering free tickets for ages 0 up to grade 12 students (must be accompanied by a paying adult).
For those wanting to learn more out of their experience, we are equally excited to announce that we will be offering a 3 day Deep Dive Retreat leading up to the event featuring some of Australia's best presenters (Wednesday the 18th - Friday the 20th September).
The early bird ticket sales help us cover our pre-event costs and get an idea of the number of attendees early, which informs the budget, which dictates how many headliners and out-of-town acts we can draw to the event. So, by booking now, you are supporting us to deliver the best event possible this year.

Go to and click attending to stay in the loop or go to our new dedicated event website for more details.